Whenever Charles is operating in ‘his’ mixing system, he is constantly busy as he monitors the mixing of the Protolin® resin and dispensing this resin into conveniently-sized bags.

In more than 32 years, Charles has seen many developments. These include variations in the resin products, and the process itself has been greatly modernised over time. While oil and high temperatures were still used in the early years, today everything is high-tech and much more user-friendly.

Since the 1970s, Lovink has mixed two-component polyurethane resins that provide mechanical insulation for the low-voltage and medium-voltage splices. Charles played and important role during the trifurcate to a new mixing system in 2015; he has been involved with this project from the start. Many of his ideas were adopted, and today the processing line operates very smoothly. The controls have been greatly improved, and more than 70% is now automated with the help of a display. This is a major advance.

Charles does not want to focus on his role alone in this article. He emphasises that it is really all about the team: ”on my own I cannot do anything”, says Charles. He trusts his team to operate the system, just as he is given a lot of trust by Lovink Enertech. This is very important to him. And so is job satisfaction. If you let people do the things they are good at, this will give them a sense of fulfilment and they will really enjoy the work.